Monday, December 14, 2015

Depth Of Field

Blog Post #11
This is my best depth of field thing because I just really like palm trees and i like the sky in the background and i like this picture in general. 

This is my best depth of field place because i'm just winning at life because these pics are REALLY GOOD. 

This is my best human depth of field photo because the other ones were re5263ally crusty and this turned out okay. 

This is my best shallow depth human photo because Jeana has really pretty hair and the wind was blowing so yeah. I wish those people weren't photobombing my pic becuase they kind of ruined it. 

This is my best Shallow depth of field thing photo because i just really like this photo. 

This is my best shallow depth of field photo place becaus it turned out way better than all the others and i like fences. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Creative Controls

  1. Which Aperture makes a wider hole in the lens for light to come through?  F/5.6.
  2. Which Aperture lets more light into the camera to hit the image sensor? F/5.6.
  3. Which Aperture keeps more of the foreground and background in focus? F/11.
  4. Which Shutter Speed is faster? 1/200 second.
  5. Which Shutter Speed keeps the door in the camera open for more time? 1/30 second .
  6. Which Shutter Speed is best for stopping action? 1/200 second.

1. Set 1: AV mode f3.5 , f5.6 , f8

The first image is dark and not sharp in the background. The second image has less shadows, but is still really blurry. The third photo is way more bright in the background, but is still blurry. in the third photo, the flower is lighter than the other two.

Set 2 : TV mode 1/10 , 1/60 , 1/500 PERSON NOT MOVING

My photos are backwards. the bottom photo is 1/10 of a second , the middle is 1/60 of a second, and the top is 1/500 of a second. now in the bottom one i was moving the camera way too much , that was not Bri. The Top photo captured the most. 

3. Set 3 : TV mode 1/10 , 1/60 , 1/500 PERSON MOVING 

This photo is obviously the best photo because it captured everything as if she was not moving. 

  1. In your own words, define “Depth of Field". Depth of field is how blurry or sharpened a picture is. 
  2. Explain a situation where you would want to use a wide Aperture and what composition style would this help you achieve?  I would us fill the frame because you can get a cleaner and sharper photo. 
  3. Describe two ways different shutter speeds can affect your images. a slower shutter speed will make more moving objects blurry , while a faster shutter speed would capture moving things and make them still.